Monday, April 7, 2014

Critical Thinking Blog Assignment #2

In the series Cosmos, it has a very exciting tone because it elaborates on each statement with interesting facts that keeps the viewers like myself interested and actually paying attention. I watched the episode Hiding in the Light, he explains with great details and vivid videos that makes it actually feel your in space looking down on our beloved planet.
I believe it is optimistic about humanistic values to find that our place in the Universe is so small because it shows how science has such a great impact on our daily lives that we go without notice. We're just a tiny spic in this grand universe, in the cosmos. It opens the viewers eyes to the fact that there's way more than beyond the Milky Way, just the thought of it makes the mind wander.
I think the show values science and humanism because it shows the great aspects of science and the great dept humanity plays in it. In the show, it explains how Issac Newton was on the verge of discovering the different colors in sunlight, the spectrum. It's amazing how the show explains how scientist and philosophers explained what was so obvious to the human eyes that we simply bypass everyday.
It amazes me how Cosmos managed to pull in eight million viewers in it premiere because of the lack of intelligence us Americans have in science. I think us Americans that doesn't have interest in science, like myself, are now more interest in science because of the show. They don't just state the facts and the methods to it's theories. It uses vivid images and graphics that catches the human eye and makes us more interested in science.

Critical Thinking Blog Assignment #1

Hello my name is Jasmine Rodriguez, this is currently my third and last year in LaGuardia. My current major is Liberal Arts: Social Sciences and Humanities. When I continue on to my four year school, I want to pursue school counseling.
I think I am more of a Humanities person because I'm way more into the arts than science. I love creating writing and music. I've never been a fan of science only the basics to get me by in life. I've taken two music classes, Music for Children and The History of Music here in LaGuardia, in these classes I have learned how to play a flute so I can teach children and I learned music's history as far as Beethoven and Mozart.
I think most people think negative about science because there's just so much that they don't know. In the government's mind, "the less they know, the better". They being the "American People". Ever wonder why the majority of the federal funding goes to the science than the arts?
 Science does play a huge role in society today like with global warming, maybe people should start taking it more serious and science does prove that, but than again the arts are still as much as important it keeps us sane and reminds us that were still humane.